Wednesday, October 12, 2011


So, as everyone should know, recently BlackBerry has been, shall we say squashed (see what I did there?) by a mountain of complaints as BBM and BIS hasn't been functioning. My opinion on the outcry: seriously?

At the risk of sounding righteous; does it really matter if your phone is not working for a little bit?

I have been the owner to many a type of phone, due to muy bad luck with the bloody things. But I am not a BB owner. Which is probably why I don't understand the mass increase in teenage depression.

I understand that when something doesn't work the way it's supposed to, it's super frustrating. But I think you have to know when you're an addict. For example, I am a self-confessed Facebook addict. I think it's good training for my future career as a professional stalker. But I also know that I can handle not being online for a few days. I will be fine.

As I spend my day walking around varsity, glancing at young people rocking back and forth and muttering to themselves because they have nothing to 'lol' at, I wonder about what is really important. I take it as a lesson in priorities, that maybe it's a good idea to stop exercising your thumbs and start exercising your heart and mind to engage with your environment and the people around you.

Because people are better than BlackBerries: they won't stop receiving and sending messages when you need them most.

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